Friday, August 10, 2012

It Begins

It's been a while since I started posting my crappy renders on DeviantArt and, there are some, that cannot be shown there, for the obvious erotic, if not porn, content.
Let's give it a try here on a personal blog, it will be a waste to keep this picture away from the public eyes ;)
Walkiria, the real Midnight Queen

From left to right: DarkStar(futa version), WarCat, Walkiria, UltraWoman
This picture was commissioned to me by Teri


  1. Questa è super, benvenuto su blogspot ;)

    1. Grazie :)
      C'è talmente tanta massa su schermo che l'immagine ha un attrazione gravitazionale :D

      Non sono ai tuoi livelli, ma piano piano imparo :)
