This render was shown on Deviant Art few days ago. It's quite old for my standards and since then, Cassandra was improved with minor details here and there.
As you know, DA doesn't allow erection to show ... they allow blood and gore but the rest seems to be taboo ... don't get me started ok? :)
I will share with you a peculiar detail about the silvery white haired Deputy Mayor :)
When she is with another woman, sexually I mean, she tend to be the dominant one, but not the bondage dominant.
tend to care alot about her partner. She doesn't have mind reading
powers but she has so much disappointments in the past with males that
she can easily understand what a woman want from half words and body
In short yes, she will dominate another woman but, that
woman, will always leave with a big smile and a strong feeling of
satisfaction without that guilty aftertaste.
With a man, if she
spot/hunt down the right one, or simply a guy she really likes alot, she
is your "little" purring kitten and one hell of a sex partner ... You
know the stuff of legends ;)
This is what actually was ment to be shown all along |
Over here is shown her "little" secret.
Cassandra Devereux is 100% woman, I know that I made her God Dammit, but she is a quite resourceful woman too.
She commissioned a set of pills to Doctor Dervishi, a sort of crazy scientist whom interests range from genetics to particle physics.
Using raw genetic material from the donor (Cassandra), stem cells and his personal recipe, Doctor Dervishi was able to give her client what she wanted: two sets of pills.
You can call them the "Alice In WonderLand" pills if you like.
One make it grows, and one make it goes.
Do i REALLY need to explain what I'm talking about here? :P